How to Uninstall MyTurboPC


You can uninstall Reimage Repair and remove all associated files from your computer. This may require you to close all your applications and re-start your computer. Before uninstalling the software please ensure the program is fully closed down. The program must be manually closed down via the task bar by right clicking on it and selecting 'exit' prior to uninstalling.

To uninstall the program from Windows 10:

  1. Click Start and click Control Panel
  2. In the Programs section, click the Uninstall a program option (In Icon vew, click the Programs and Features option)
  3. Select Reimage Repair and click the Uninstall button

To uninstall the program from Windows 8:

  1. Click Start and click Control Panel
  2. In the Programs section, click the Uninstall a program option (In Icon vew, click the Programs and Features option)
  3. Select Reimage Repair and click the Uninstall button

To uninstall the program from Windows 7:

  1. Click Start and click Control Panel
  2. In the Programs section, click the Uninstall a program option (In Icon vew, click the Programs and Features option)
  3. Select Reimage Repair and click the Uninstall button

To uninstall the program from Window Vista:

  1. Click Start and click Control Panel.
  2. In the left pane, select Control Panel Home.
  3. In the Program section, click Uninstall a Program.
  4. Select Reimage Repair and click the Uninstall button.

To uninstall the program from Windows XP:

  1. Start -> Control Panel
  2. Open ‘Add or Remove Programs‘
  3. Select Reimage Repair and click ‘Remove’