RPT may stand for the word “report” and files with this file extension are mostly associated with the business intelligence application known as Crystal Reports. RPT files are encoded in binary format and contain information that a user supplies for a report to be displayed. The Crystal Reports application was developed for the purpose of producing and devising reports from various sources and different types of databases and the files that it produces are stored in an RPT file format.
Many users prefer Crystal Reports and RPT files over its counterpart reporting tools because of its many helpful features. RPT files can be printed and exported in many different file formats including CSV, PDF and TXT. Crystal Reports users can also modify an RPT file’s function when the report is executed immediately in the report designer as well as create report variations by saving customized and different RPT files under different file names.
RPT files can be viewed and opened on both Mac OS and Windows platforms using the Crystal Reports Viewer which can be downloaded for free from the Crystal Reports website. RPT files can even be executed even without the use of the Crystal Reports Designer application. There are several programs than can run or execute the reports in RPT file including Jeff-Net Report Runner Viewer for Crystal Reports, Easy View, and many more. Other programs that can open and display RPT files are as follows:
Mac OS | SAP Crystal Reports Viewer |
Windows | SAP Crystal Reports 2011
SAP Crystal Reports Viewer Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with Crystal Reports Plug-in |